5.ab, Lesson: 72. Under the sea

  1. Choose some lessons from the article ANIMALS. /V prispevku ANIMALS imate na izbiro več nalog. Najbolje bi bilo, če rešite vse.
  2. Repeat and learn new words. Find the comic in the SB. / Učenci utrdijo novo besedišče in jezikovne strukture v kontekstu.
  3. Repeat and rewrite into your notebook.:
    crabs, starfish, dolphins, There was (a guide)., There were (six crabs).,The children were at the aquarium., That dolphin show was fantastic!, That guide wasn’t very nice.
    room, fish, rocks, afternoon, I can (see five).
    aquarium, show, fantastic, guide, silly, a minute ago, great, favourite, incredible, dancer, Of course not!, Wait!, I told you…
  4. HW: U,70/1.- poslušaj in preberi
    DZ, 58- vaje
    Draw your favourite wild animal! Okay! Yo can draw an eagle:  or   or  

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