4.a, Lesson: 56. Wild animals

1.Repeat months, seasons, weather, clothes, conversation./Ponovi mesece, letne čase, oblačila, govor. months-seasons-weather-clothes-and-activities-conversation-topics-dialogs-picture-dictionaries_91033
Učenci utrdijo novo besedišče in jezikovne strukture v kontekstu
SB:,58/1.-listen, read
2.-act out
AB, 48-practise
parrot, monkey, gorilla, crocodile,
Has (your favourite animal got wings)?, Yes, it has., No, it hasn’t.
numbers, in, wings/krila, long, tail/rep, arms, legs, big, head, ears, eyes, short, small, It’s got (a long nose)., It’s (a crocodile).zoo, elephant,
3. Home-work: Write 7 sentences about your favourite wild animal.
The title: What’s your favourite animal?
The picture just for You!


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